You guys are awesome. Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts. Han Solo is still holding tight and staying in place. The contractions finally stopped around 1am. At least I think they did, because I went to sleep, so they couldn't have been that bad. They never got any closer than 17 minutes apart, and that was only once. Mostly they were about 25-30 minutes apart. I talked to my OB today and he said to monitor any contractions (I've had about 5 total today) and if they get consistently closer than 20 minutes apart to get myself to the hospital. I've been taking it easy today aside from taking down the tree (James Bond did most of the work, I just supervised) and drinking loads of water. Han Solo has been kicking up a storm today and I've been telling him that he has to stay put for a while. Indy was anxious to join the world as well (I went into full blown labor with contractions 2 minutes apart at 26w), so this is not really a big surprise. I was hoping to avoid it this time, but apparently it's not meant to be. Sigh. I'd like to keep him in until at least 36w (Indy was born at 36w exactly), but I'll be happy if we can make it to 32w.
Thanks again for your kindness. I {heart} you all.
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
9 hours ago
Phew. Good news. Keep us posted and keep taking it easy!
Just caught up on the last few posts. Wow. Glad to here Han Solo has decided to stay put. Take it easy.
Girl...that bun is not done baking yet! Tell him to sit tight! And, if your OB doesn't object, a glass of wine and your feet up helps too:)
I am so glad to hear they've let up. Stay in there little guy!
Babies come out when they want to. I was due for Valentine's day and arrived early December, a hair over 2 lbs. No walking, no squats, no martinis dear. I hope the baby stays put, just a little longer...
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