Oh, RTT how I've missed you. Oh, I know we just got together a week or so )ago, but you my friend are so necessary for my sanity.
*For those who read and commented on my previous post, let me clarify something. In no way shape or form could I pass for 27. The guard is a bit older and I'm sure everyone under the age of 40 looks like their in the late 20's to him.
*Europe did their spring forward this past weekend and I am not adjusting well. Neither is Indy.
*I think changing time is stupid. I've never really understood the logic behind it. I've read the ideas and the studies behind it, but I'm not convinced. All it does is mess with people's heads and schedules.
*Baseball's Opening Day is almost here!!!! I'm so excited I could burst. I can absolutely feel it in my bones that this year is the year the Cubs will win the World Series. Or if not, maybe next year. I am the eternal optimist. Go Cubs!
*I have a sore throat. Boo!
*Babe Ruth was left handed, but played right handed in school because they had no left handed gloves.
*Spring slipped in a few days ago and gave us all a taste of the gloriousness that is slightly warm weather and sunshine, before winter came back and slapped us all in the face. Our forecast calls for snow this weekend! SNOW! Ack!
*A regulation baseball has 108 stitches.
*I hate the stupid "commercials" on AFN. They are not allowed to play American commercials (something to do with the SOFA agreement), so they fill the commercial time with PSA's and stupid little commercials about military life. For those of you who have never had the joy of watching an AFN commercial, here are a few for your viewing pleasure.
Jealous????? I know you are.
*Fidel Castro was once a star baseball player for the University of Havana. Imagine how different things might be if he'd been drafted by a US team.
*The time change messes with my stomach. I want to eat at all the wrong times.
*Indy lost his TV for 4 days. This is really more of a punishment for me. When he gets to watch TV after we're finished with school work, I can get a few minutes of silence. When he loses his TV, it's non-stop chatter.
*The very first baseball game was played on June 19,1845, across the Hudson River in Hoboken, New York.
*My first MLB game was in August 1990. I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. I still have the ticket stub. They won.
*It's now almost 10am and I haven't had breakfast yet. Crap. Stupid time change.
*Since I have to go eat, I'll leave you with this. How very specific.