
The journey of a thousand miles begins with...the perfect pair of shoes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Random Tuesday: Can I say that?


It's that time. Get with it.

*Mr. HH came home on Sunday. He stopped and picked me up some flowers for our missed anniversary. Wasn't that nice?

*The other day a friend (a dear friend) took Indy to the "big park" with her kids giving me 3 blessed hours of quiet (a dear, dear, dear friend). I read some of my book club book and relished in the lack of chatter.

*That same night Indy and I were eating dinner and we had a conversation something like this:

Indy: Mom, some big kids did terrible graffiti in the top of slide tower (the big park has a fort like structure that is amazing and mostly enclosed with 6 or 7 tube slides of varying heights and levels of twists).

Me: Really? That's not very nice.

Indy: No, it's not. They drew a naked lady!

Me: Well...

Indy: Yeah. Teenagers. Why do the have to act like that? Know what else was up there?

Me [afraid to ask]: What?

Indy: A bunch of...[looks left and right, cups his hand around his mouth and speaks in a stage whisper] wieners!

Me:  Um, ookaaay.  Listen, I'm not really a fan of that word.  You should use the proper terminology and call it a [can't believe I'm saying this at the dinner table] penis.

Indy:  REALLY?  Can I say that?

Me:  Yes, as long as you use it properly.

Indy:  Wow!  Well then, a bunch of [looks left and right, cups his mouth and stage whispers] PENISES!

Me:  facepalm

*72 degrees is the official "room temperature"

*2 days after the above dinner conversation, Indy and I were watching a movie.  He grabbed the remote and paused it.  I asked him what he was doing and he responded as he ran off toward the bathroom:  I have to pee before my PENIS explodes.  Double facepalm.

*I feel guilty if I don't update my facebook status at least once a week.

*Good to know:

Now, click that weird and disturbing button at the top of the post and head over to Keely's and check out all the random.


Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I can't even say the "p" word!! Hilarious!!!!!

I am Harriet said...

That is one wild sign.

Have a great Tuesday!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Your baby is growing up....I think you are going to be hearing penis talk for quite the time now. lol! Love the sign!

Frugal Vicki said...

I am with you, I always thought that button was slightly disturbing as well, lol!
Why did they have to make anatomically correct words seem so vulgar? Then again, I guess they could have called it a cuddle bunny, but then cuddle bunny would seem vulgar.

Hot Ginger Mess said...

RE: "72 degrees is the official room temperature." Good to know and will be used in my next "discussion" with The Husband over the heater settings. Much thanks. :-)

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