Well, hello and happy RTT to all!
Despite being in a blogging funk, I have loads to say today for RTT!
*Last week at Aldi, I saw an intriguing package in the fruit section. Mini Kiwis? What the @#$% is a mini kiwi? Well, I had to find out, didn't I? Of course I did. Here's the package:
And inside this is what I found:
Mini Kiwis! Truth in advertising. What do you know? They are slightly larger than large grapes and have a similar type of skin that is just slightly heavier. And guess what? It tastes like a kiwi! Go figure. They're much easier and neater to eat though. Portable kiwi!
*I read that approximately 1/4 of all photocopier malfunctions worldwide are due to people sitting on them to copy their butts. Now I'm thinking of all the photocopiers I've used in my lifetime and wondering how many had someone's butt on them. Ick.
*It's my birthday. I'm
*We were in IKEA a week or so ago (squee!) and spotted some snazzy outfits. I'd like to thank whoever (I think that should be whomever, but it sounds weird), thought it was a good idea to put cameras on cell phones. You are a genius. It was probably Steve Jobs. Anywho, I snapped this one. Click on to enlarge and drink it in.
*We ate at KFC last week. Yeah, we live large. Anyway, I thought you'd find something interesting. Again, thanks for the cameras in phones. I wouldn't let James Bond eat until I took a picture. Look at the photo below. What do you see?
What did you notice? If you dine in, they give you REAL dishes and utensils. Isn't that weird? I have to day though, that it's nice to eat at a fast food place and not eat out of or off of paper. They should do this everywhere.
*In Australia, 'Jedi' is an official religion with over 70,000 followers.
*There is a species of earthworm in Australia that can grow up to 10 feet!
*What the hell is going on in Australia? It's always been high on my list of places to visit, but now I don't know.
*Han Solo will be 1 next week! Can you believe that?
*I may have shown you this before, but it makes me laugh.
Have a wonderful RTT! I'm linking up to Stacy and TTUT. Link yourself! <---hee hee, sounds dirty

WooHoo! Your comment thingy is working now...I just sent you an email letting you know it was acting wonky...false alarm. Or somebody else beat me to the punch. ;)
I totally would have had to find out about the mini kiwis too - I'll have to keep an eye out and see if they have them here somewhere, they sound perfect! :)
Interesting outfit....heh!
Real dishes at KFC? Who would have thought?
You always crack me up on all the random information you know - and I love that you share that random information for our entertainment. ;)
That sign is hilarious!
Warrior Cats Easter, Monsuno Obsession, Honeymoon Wine, Fairy Hobmother
Happy Birthday!
I did not hear about the mini kiwis and I lived here in Germany almost all my life.
I have to check them out and try them.They really sound perfect to be eaten on the go.
And I would totally sign up for Jedi, if they had it here...
Converting to "Jedi"...
And, oh yeah, Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy B Day!!!
Ok, so I LOVE me some kiwi and those little mini kiwi's are just my style! GENIUS I say! Now...if my hellhole of a town carries them will be the question...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I mailed your gift. I hope you like it.
Hey...that's my mom in that snazzy outfit. I'll pass along the compliment! ;)
Thanks for linking up with us again! xoxo
Ok, so I LOVE me some kiwi and those little mini kiwi's are just my style! GENIUS I say! Now...if my hellhole of a town carries them will be the question...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I mailed your gift. I hope you like it.
Hey...that's my mom in that snazzy outfit. I'll pass along the compliment! ;)
Thanks for linking up with us again! xoxo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! How funny, I'm 39 too!
We love kiwi, just slice them in half and scoop out with a spoon. Do those mini kiwi's need to be peeled or do you eat the whole thing like a grape? I'm confused.
I loked at the stupid picture forever, searching for Jesus' face in the gravy or no chicken on the sandwich...real silverware would have been the last thing I noticed. You're a riot!
Thanks for linking up with us oh faithful one!
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