I had an entire RTT typed out and was getting ready to publish when Mozilla crashed. WHAT??? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--I actually yelled just like that. I don't have the energy to energy to retype it all (plus I can't remember it all). Crapola.
I do remember that I wished my dad a happy birthday though. He's 61 today, but let's keep that between us, shall we?
I will reload the random photo though, because it makes me laugh and we can all use a good laugh, right?
Timeless Kitchen Trends for 2025
1 day ago
Did you check to see if your edit posts area had saved some of it as a draft? That happened to me but when I restarted Mozilla, most of my entry had been saved since Blogger saves it every few seconds
I do a lot of my posts on my Word program and then copy them to blogger afterwards, just for that reason!
Wow. Interesting sign. :)
Have a great RTT!
That is just bad!!!!
Happy Birthday to your dad! :)
OMG -- that's hilarious! Mozilla has been acting strange for me too, but I thought it was just me!
Happy RTT!
Happy Tuesday!
I'm really sorry about the loss of your post!
I'm with Otin, I type most of mine in word and then transfer them over....but still!
Love your random sign!
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